Maximizing ROI: The Benefits of Outsourcing Guest Post Outreach in 2021

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

It turns out that guest posting is a potent tool for businesses of all types and sizes looking to increase their authority and visibility online. Though not a new technique, some marketers overlook its ability to bring in new traffic and improve a website’s ranking. Perhaps the reason is the tedious and time-consuming nature of this link-building approach. 


If you find yourself having to juggle guest post outreach with other business responsibilities, chances are you’re not fully exploring its growth potential. This blog provides compelling evidence that suggests outsourcing your guest post outreach is more effective and efficient than an in-house approach.

What is Guest Post Outreach Outsourcing?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Guest post outsourcing simply means trusting a specialist agency to perform the various tasks associated with creating guest posts and getting them published on the right external websites.  

Several businesses have in-house teams handling content marketing, and this makes sense. Trying to delegate something as broad as an entire content marketing department can be complicated and certainly costly. That’s because content marketing involves several moving parts like content strategy, SEO, content calendar, competitor research, etc. However, many businesses find it beneficial to partner with content marketing agencies to manage these complexities efficiently and effectively. 

Hence, it’s more complicated to outsource the entire content marketing branch. However, trusting the right experts with guest post outreach means you can reap unique benefits like those outlined below.

1. Provides Faster Results

If you know anything about SEO link-building tactics like guest postings, then you’re aware they can take a long time to see results if you’re inexperienced. Even building one single quality link from a website like Shopify or Cisco can take months. 


You’ll have to grind for weeks, even if you use cold outreach or platforms like HARO. But enlist the services of an experienced and trusted guest post outreach service, and you can get 20 quality links in a matter of days. 

Therefore, outsourcing your guest post outreach will guarantee faster results. The reason is simple. Link-building from nothing to something is a slow and laborious process. Think about it for a second. These high-authority websites receive hundreds of outreach emails each day. By the time they get to your email, it’s been days. But don’t take our word for it. Shoot HubSpot an email asking for a link, and come let us know how it goes after a couple of days. 

However, if you hire outreach guest post services, you’ll see results almost immediately. 

2. Ensures Consistency And Predictability

Just imagine you hired a full-time in-house link expert to take charge of link-building efforts for your brand website. You also provide them with SEO tools and all the AI they’ll need to organize, scrape, and find emails for outreach targets to niche websites. 

Now, you also provide a writer with the perfect content pieces for submission to the various target publications in return for inbound links. Perfect picture, right? The only problem is that you can’t guarantee consistency, nor is there any predictability when you consider the output of your setup. 

No matter how good your setup is, too many moving parts and factors are outside your control. Hence, you’ll notice some months are better than others. Furthermore, links get removed post-submission. Your wonderful content submission gets published, and you find the links nowhere to be found. So, you could end up losing money on the content you submit. 

Conversely, trust a good link-building agency if you want consistency and predictability. Remember, consistency is the key to breakthroughs in guest posting and link building. You can reach out, land two good backlinks from high-authority sites, walk into the sunset, and call it a month. 

3. Cheaper Than The Alternative

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

You might think, “I’ll recruit a veteran SEO or link builder with at least five years of experience to keep link-building efforts indoors.” This actually will work because anyone with less experience could be a complete waste of your money and time. 

The only thing about these veteran link builders, who cost a small fortune, is that they are maintained in-house. To be more precise, you’ll have to be ready to pay nothing less than $74,000 per year. The latter is a no-brainer when you compare this amount with how much you have to spend on link-building services. Feel free to run the runners against different professionals or link-building services several times. 

Just imagine spending about a month sifting through job candidates to hire the right link builder. Now, you need to invest in an expensive link-building tool like Semrush or Ahref. This alone increases your expenses by thousands per year. Now, factor in the months it will take to get high-quality links. Meanwhile, a good outreach guest post service will offer the same link at a fraction of the time and cost. 

4. Results You Can Measure

Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

Let’s assume you stumble upon the staff, and one way or another, you keep things within your budget during the entire guest post outreach campaign. Now, how do you determine whether your campaign is making headway after a couple of months? Which metrics do you use to differentiate between high-quality and irrelevant links? And finally, how many links should you get before you declare victory? 

You could get hundreds of links to your official website, and they won’t move the needle, even after the entire campaign. Or, even when you begin to record a positive impact on your SERP rankings, can you ascertain that these results will last over the long haul?

If you can’t confidently answer any of these questions, you’re better off hiring a service capable of maintaining your backlink strategy and providing sustained, measurable results. 


The reasons above are enough to consider hiring a link-building service instead of trying to be a jack of all trades. By outsourcing your blogger outreach campaigns to an experienced agency, you can rest easy knowing that an experienced link builder is working around the clock to deliver results. You don’t have to worry about strategizing since the right service will help you measure results, minimize costs, reduce time, and maximize ROI. 

About the Author

Aman Lalani is the founder of, a top website for catchy and humorous social media captions. With a talent for writing and a flair for social media trends, Aman has amassed a huge following and established himself as an authority in the field. His skills and expertise have helped numerous individuals and businesses improve their online presence.